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free exercise library - biceps

Triceps / Forearms

Barbell Curls

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Biceps Brachii (Biceps), Brachialis, Brachioradialis

Equipment: Barbell, Weight Plates

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and hold a barbell with an underhand grip (palms facing up), about shoulder-width apart.

Allow your arms to fully extend and hang down by your sides, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Exhale and curl the barbell up towards your shoulders, keeping your upper arms stationary and elbows locked in position.

Continue curling until your forearms are perpendicular to the ground and you feel a contraction in your biceps.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your biceps.

Inhale and slowly lower the barbell back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your upper body stable and avoid swinging or using momentum to lift the weight.

Focus on maintaining tension in your biceps throughout the exercise.

Keep your wrists straight and avoid excessive bending or arching.


Close Grip Barbell Curls: Perform the exercise with a grip that is closer than shoulder-width apart, emphasizing the outer portion of the biceps.

Wide Grip Barbell Curls: Perform the exercise with a grip that is wider than shoulder-width apart, emphasizing the inner portion of the biceps.

Safety Precautions:

Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and proficient with the exercise.

Avoid using excessive weight that compromises your form and leads to swinging or using your back to lift the weight.

If you have any pre-existing elbow or wrist injuries or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer before performing barbell curls.

Dumbbell Curls:

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Biceps Brachii (Biceps), Brachialis, Brachioradialis

Equipment: Dumbbells

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward.

Allow your arms to fully extend and hang down by your sides, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Exhale and curl one dumbbell up towards your shoulder, keeping your upper arm stationary and elbow locked in position.

Continue curling until your forearm is perpendicular to the ground and you feel a contraction in your biceps.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your biceps.

Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Repeat the same movement with the opposite arm.

Alternate arms for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your upper body stable and avoid swinging or using momentum to lift the weight. The movement should be controlled and deliberate.

Focus on maintaining tension in your biceps throughout the exercise. Avoid fully extending your elbows at the bottom of the movement to keep tension on the muscles.

Keep your wrists straight and avoid excessive bending or arching. This helps to target the biceps effectively and reduces the risk of wrist strain.

To maximize the range of motion, lower the dumbbell fully until your arm is fully extended and the biceps are stretched before beginning the next repetition.


Hammer Curls: Perform the exercise with your palms facing inwards throughout the movement. This variation targets not only the biceps but also the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

Alternating Dumbbell Curls: Instead of curling both arms simultaneously, alternate the curls between each arm, focusing on one arm at a time.

Safety Precautions:

Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and proficient with the exercise.

Maintain proper form throughout the movement to prevent strain on the lower back and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.

If you have any pre-existing elbow or wrist injuries or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer before performing dumbbell curls.

Alternating Dumbbell Curls:

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Biceps Brachii (Biceps), Brachialis, Brachioradialis

Equipment: Dumbbells, Bench or Chair

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward.

Allow your arms to fully extend and hang down by your sides, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Exhale and curl one dumbbell up towards your shoulder, keeping your upper arm stationary and elbow locked in position.

Continue curling until your forearm is perpendicular to the ground and you feel a contraction in your biceps.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your biceps.

Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Repeat the same movement with the opposite arm.

Alternate arms for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your upper body stable and avoid swinging or using momentum to lift the weight. The movement should be controlled and deliberate.

Focus on maintaining tension in your biceps throughout the exercise. Avoid fully extending your elbows at the bottom of the movement to keep tension on the muscles.

Keep your wrists straight and avoid excessive bending or arching. This helps to target the biceps effectively and reduces the risk of wrist strain.

To maximize the range of motion, lower the dumbbell fully until your arm is fully extended and the biceps are stretched before beginning the next repetition.


Hammer Curls: Perform the exercise with your palms facing inwards throughout the movement. This variation targets not only the biceps but also the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

Alternating Dumbbell Curls: Instead of curling both arms simultaneously, alternate the curls between each arm, focusing on one arm at a time.

Safety Precautions:

Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and proficient with the exercise.

Maintain proper form throughout the movement to prevent strain on the lower back and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.

If you have any pre-existing elbow or wrist injuries or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer before performing dumbbell curls.

Preacher Curls:

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Biceps Brachii (Biceps), Brachialis, Brachioradialis

Equipment: Preacher Curl Bench, EZ Bar or Dumbbells

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Adjust the preacher curl bench so that your upper arms are resting comfortably on the pad and your chest is pressed against it.

Grip the EZ bar or dumbbells with an underhand grip (palms facing up) at shoulder-width apart.

Allow your arms to fully extend down in front of you, keeping your elbows positioned on the pad.

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Exhale and curl the weight up towards your shoulders, keeping your upper arms stationary and elbows locked in position.

Continue curling until your forearms are perpendicular to the ground and you feel a contraction in your biceps.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your biceps.

Inhale and slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your upper body stable and avoid swinging or using momentum to lift the weight. The movement should be controlled and deliberate.

Focus on maintaining tension in your biceps throughout the exercise. Avoid fully extending your elbows at the bottom of the movement to keep tension on the muscles.

Keep your wrists straight and avoid excessive bending or arching. This helps to target the biceps effectively and reduces the risk of wrist strain.

If using an EZ bar, experiment with different grip widths to find the most comfortable and effective position for your arms.


Dumbbell Preacher Curls: Perform the exercise with dumbbells instead of an EZ bar. This allows for greater range of motion and individual arm movement.

Safety Precautions:

Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and proficient with the exercise.

Maintain proper form throughout the movement to prevent strain on the lower back and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.

If you have any pre-existing elbow or wrist injuries or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer before performing preacher curls.

Incline Curls:

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Biceps Brachii (Biceps), Brachialis, Brachioradialis

Equipment: Incline Bench, Dumbbells

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Set an incline bench to a comfortable angle (typically around 45 degrees).

Sit on the incline bench with your back firmly against the bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward.

Allow your arms to fully extend down by your sides, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Exhale and curl one dumbbell up towards your shoulder, keeping your upper arm stationary and elbow locked in position.

Continue curling until your forearm is perpendicular to the ground and you feel a contraction in your biceps.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your biceps.

Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Repeat the same movement with the opposite arm.

Alternate arms for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your upper body stable and avoid swinging or using momentum to lift the weight. The movement should be controlled and deliberate.

Focus on maintaining tension in your biceps throughout the exercise. Avoid fully extending your elbows at the bottom of the movement to keep tension on the muscles.

Keep your wrists straight and avoid excessive bending or arching. This helps to target the biceps effectively and reduces the risk of wrist strain.

To maximize the range of motion, lower the dumbbell fully until your arm is fully extended and the biceps are stretched before beginning the next repetition.


Hammer Incline Curls: Perform the exercise with your palms facing inwards throughout the movement. This variation targets not only the biceps but also the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.

Safety Precautions:

Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and proficient with the exercise.

Maintain proper form throughout the movement to prevent strain on the lower back and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.

If you have any pre-existing elbow or wrist injuries or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer before performing incline curls.

Concentration Curls:

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Biceps Brachii (Biceps)

Equipment: Dumbbell, Bench or Stability Ball

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Sit on a bench or stability ball with your feet flat on the floor, legs spread apart, and hold a dumbbell in one hand.

Place your elbow on the inner thigh of the same side, just above the knee. Your arm should be fully extended, and your palm facing up.

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Exhale and curl the dumbbell upward, focusing on contracting your biceps. Keep your upper arm stationary and elbow locked in position.

Continue curling until your forearm is perpendicular to the ground and you feel a strong contraction in your biceps.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your biceps.

Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and then switch arms.


Keep your back straight and avoid slouching or leaning during the exercise. This helps isolate and target the biceps effectively.

Control the movement throughout the exercise and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.

Focus on maintaining tension in your biceps by keeping your upper arm stationary and concentrating the effort on your forearm and biceps.

Keep your wrist in a neutral position and avoid excessive bending or arching to prevent strain on the wrist joint.


Seated Alternating Concentration Curls: Instead of performing the exercise with one arm at a time, alternate between the left and right arm in a controlled manner.

Safety Precautions:

Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and proficient with the exercise.

Maintain proper form throughout the movement to prevent strain on the lower back and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.

If you have any pre-existing elbow or wrist injuries or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer before performing concentration curls.

Reverse curls:

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Forearm Extensors

Equipment: Barbell, Dumbbells, EZ-bar

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Stand up straight with a shoulder-width or slightly narrower grip on the barbell or dumbbells. Palms should be facing downward (pronated grip).

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Let your arms hang down fully extended by your sides, keeping your elbows close to your body.

Exhale and curl the weight upward by flexing your forearms. Focus on keeping your wrists straight and lifting the weight using the muscles in your forearms.

Continue curling until your forearms are fully contracted and the weight is at shoulder level.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your forearms.

Inhale and slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Maintain a steady and controlled motion throughout the exercise. Avoid swinging or using momentum to lift the weight.

Keep your elbows close to your body and stationary during the movement to isolate and target the forearms.

Use a grip that is comfortable for you, whether it’s a straight barbell, dumbbells, or an EZ-bar.

Focus on the contraction of your forearms at the top of the movement and emphasize the eccentric (lowering) portion of the exercise for greater muscle activation.


Reverse Preacher Curls: Perform the exercise using a preacher curl bench or an incline bench, placing your upper arms against the bench for support.

Cable Reverse Curls: Attach a straight bar or rope attachment to a low pulley cable machine and perform the exercise with a pronated grip.

Safety Precautions:

Start with a lighter weight and gradually increase the resistance as you become more comfortable and proficient with the exercise.

Maintain proper form throughout the movement to prevent strain on the wrists and elbows.

If you have any pre-existing forearm, elbow, or wrist injuries or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer before performing reverse curls.

Machine Curls:

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Biceps Brachii (Biceps)

Equipment: Machine Curl (e.g., Cable machine, Preacher Curl machine)

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Adjust the machine curl equipment to fit your body size. Sit down and position yourself with your upper arms and chest against the pad, and your feet flat on the floor.

Grasp the handles or bar with an underhand grip (palms facing upward) and keep your elbows in line with the machine’s axis.

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Exhale and curl the handles or bar upward, flexing your biceps. Focus on contracting the biceps muscles as you lift the weight.

Continue curling until your forearms are fully contracted, and the handles or bar is close to your shoulders.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your biceps.

Inhale and slowly lower the handles or bar back down to the starting position in a controlled manner, allowing your arms to fully extend.

Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your upper arms and elbows stationary throughout the movement to isolate and target the biceps effectively.

Control the movement and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.

Focus on maintaining tension in your biceps throughout the exercise by keeping a constant contraction.

Adjust the weight on the machine according to your strength and fitness level. Start with a lighter weight and increase gradually as needed.


Single-Arm Machine Curls: Perform the exercise with one arm at a time using a unilateral machine curl. This allows for greater focus on each arm and can help correct muscle imbalances.

Preacher Curl Machine: Use a preacher curl machine where your upper arms rest against a pad, isolating the biceps and minimizing involvement of other muscle groups.

Safety Precautions:

Familiarize yourself with the machine and adjust it properly to ensure a comfortable and safe exercise.

Maintain proper form throughout the movement and avoid any jerking or swinging motions.

If you have any pre-existing elbow or wrist injuries or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer before performing machine curls.

Cable Curls:

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Biceps Brachii (Biceps)

Equipment: Cable Machine, Cable Handle

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Set the cable machine with the desired weight and attach a straight bar or handle to the low pulley.

Stand facing the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Grasp the handle or bar with an underhand grip (palms facing upward).

Take a step back to create tension on the cable, and position your arms fully extended by your sides.

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Exhale and curl the handle or bar upward, flexing your biceps. Focus on contracting the biceps muscles as you lift the weight.

Continue curling until your forearms are fully contracted, and the handle or bar is close to your shoulders.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your biceps.

Inhale and slowly lower the handle or bar back down to the starting position in a controlled manner, allowing your arms to fully extend.

Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your upper arms and elbows stationary throughout the movement to isolate and target the biceps effectively.

Control the movement and avoid using momentum to lift the weight.

Maintain a stable and upright posture throughout the exercise, avoiding excessive leaning or swinging.

Adjust the weight on the cable machine according to your strength and fitness level. Start with a lighter weight and increase gradually as needed.


Single-Arm Cable Curls: Perform the exercise with one arm at a time, using a handle attachment, which allows for greater focus on each arm and can help correct muscle imbalances.

Rope Cable Curls: Use a rope attachment instead of a straight bar or handle, gripping the ends of the rope with an underhand grip. This variation targets the biceps from a slightly different angle.

Safety Precautions:

Familiarize yourself with the cable machine and handle attachment, ensuring proper setup and adjustment for your height and comfort.

Maintain proper form throughout the movement and avoid any jerking or swinging motions.

If you have any pre-existing elbow or wrist injuries or conditions, consult with a healthcare professional or fitness trainer before performing cable curls.

Hammer Curls:

Type: Isolation Exercise

Muscles Targeted: Brachialis, Brachioradialis, Biceps Brachii (Forearm Emphasis)

Equipment: Dumbbells

Level: Beginner to Advanced


Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing inwards (neutral grip), and arms fully extended by your sides.

Engage your core and maintain a neutral spine throughout the exercise.

Exhale and curl one dumbbell up towards your shoulder, keeping your upper arm stationary and elbow locked in position.

Continue curling until your forearm is perpendicular to the ground and you feel a contraction in your biceps and forearms.

Hold the top position briefly, focusing on squeezing your biceps and forearms.

Inhale and slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.

Repeat the same movement with the opposite arm.

Alternate arms for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your upper body stable and avoid swinging or using momentum to lift the weight. The movement should be controlled and deliberate.

Maintain a slight bend in your knees and avoid excessive leaning or arching of the back.

Keep your wrists straight and avoid excessive bending or arching. This helps to target the forearms effectively and reduces the risk of wrist strain.

Focus on squeezing the dumbbell throughout the movement to engage the muscles more effectively.


Cross-Body Hammer Curls: Perform the exercise as described above but bring the dumbbell across your body towards the opposite shoulder at the top of the movement. This variation can further engage the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles.